
Showing posts from April, 2018

Feng Shui for Home Buyers

It is commonly advised that you do not live in or build on a  property you don’t have substantial information about.  This is often suggested because every property has its own defining and exclusive characteristics and starts to affect the health, love life and wealth of those that occupy it even within a year of living within it. You deserve to live in the best place possible, and you should know how much potential your property holds for you, as well as easy methods to design and make it better or find a new place as the case may be.  A good way to find out about your property’s Feng Shui is to consult or hire a personal Feng Shui adviser to review it and offer customized solutions and packages.  You can also learn a lot in the Althea’s awarded Feng Shui book :  ' A Course in Real Feng Shui '  (Winner: Soul-Bridge Book Awards, January 30, 2018): Sug...