
Showing posts from January, 2019

Feng Shui 2019 (3): Creativity

FENG SHUI 2019: FIND WHAT YOU NEED AT YOUR HOME (3) Creativity and self-expression At certain times in our life, we just want to be more creative! We want to produce something with our own hands, to paint, sculpture, write or - decorate. Also, we might be in the business, which requires that we often come up with some new and bright ideas, and this is when we could need a little help from our hidden best friend - our home. The areas, which support your creativity and self-expression in 2019, are: NORTH WEST  SOUTH This year, two locations fight for the title of the location which aids mostly to our creativity, and these locations are North and West. If you look for inspiration, then opt for North. If you want to show your talents to the world, then go for West. The South is favorable if you have time to develop your ideas - and if you might need a help of others in your projects... Visit our website at to: ...

Feng Shui 2019 (2): Romance

FENG SHUI 2019: FIND WHAT YOU NEED AT YOUR HOME (2) Romance Who doesn’t want more romance in their life?! Whether you are single or committed, you might need those butterflies to come back! Best of all - you can now plan how to use your space in 2019, to achieve that goal... The best areas for romance in 2019 are: NORTH NORTHEAST If you are single or you just want more romance, move your bed to the North room - or to the North of your bedroom! I know, sometimes this placement might look awkward and not in accordance with basic Feng Shui principles, but you’ll change your mind once you got your rewards:-) If North is not available, you can also move your bed to Northeast, but ONLY if you are strong and healthy. And below 55 (sorry!). Single females can also opt for East, Southeast or Northwest, since these areas are also auspicious for romance. They are NOT as good as North, when a person is not greedy, the second best is good enough... Vi...

Feng Shui 2019 (1): Academics

FENG SHUI 2019: FIND WHAT YOU NEED AT YOUR HOME (1) Academics If you are interested in expanding your knowledge, learning some new skills or getting  finally your degree, consider using the following locations at your home in 2019: NORTH WEST 2 During the course of 2019, the North is your best choice for everything related to learning, studying, teaching, writing and researching! Since you cannot miss with North, move your desk to the North room - or to the North sector of your study or a home office. You can also study/work from West 2, to tap into the power of Intelligence Star, but since this area is also the seat of San Sha in 2019, you should be careful. Do not move your furniture around West 2 and avoid renovations - if you want your effort to be recognized at all. When comparing both sectors, North is the absolute winner, so if you are interested in academics and all other things mentioned, place yourself in North to begin learning, writing or r...