Feng Shui Flying Stars

Flying Star is the most popular Feng Shui technique for property assessment.

At first, Flying Star seems simple, but it is very layered.

It is part of the ancient Xuan Kong (Shu – An – Gong) system, which translates as ‘the mysterious void.’ Xuan Kong comprises of many subsystems and techniques. The most practiced method for bringing Feng Shui to prominence in the West is Xuan Kong Fei Xing (Flying Stars).

The Flying Stars is applied to place a property in the best possible manner when allocating rooms and furniture within. 

The Flying Stars chart can also be an essential tool that can help in relating to existing energy patterns in the property and the individual based on their Life Gua. (Calculate your Life Gua here! bit.ly/LifeGua)

It depicts health, relationship prospects and wealth opportunities for the occupant in their property inside and specific time-frame.

*Read more about Flying Stars Feng Shui in the award-winning book ‘A Course in Real Feng Shui’ by Althea S.T. Pick up a limited edition hardback copy of this: bit.ly/RealFENG

*Calculate the Feng Shui of your property here (free): bit.ly/FengCalc


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