What is Feng Shui and how to learn it

What is Feng Shui?

Every author and Feng Shui teacher harbors different definitions – but it all comes to one thing: Qi (energy). Without efficient Qi, the Feng Shui of the home or office will not deliver accurate results. Feng Shui is the natural science of ‘wind and water,’ which has been used since ancient times to assess how Heaven and Earth influence locations and properties. This practice involves finding the ideal places to bury the dead as well as building and positioning a property with optimum results for the occupant’s well-being.

This practice also branches into interior design. Allocating the essential feature in rooms are vital, such as the main entrance, where the bed and stove positions as well as desks.

Feng Shui offers many techniques that can help improve the occupant’s life and luck in three ways:

1.    The Qi the property gains from its surrounding landscape.

Regarding landscape and surroundings, the primary goal is to locate the Qi sources. Powerful Feng Shui formulas enable us to make this possible and can guide us not to make a mistake. Just one degree can make a considerable difference, which is why practitioners rely on precise compass readings.

2.    The main features of the property.

The main features of a property can direct the Qi in specific ways. The main entrance is especially useful – it not only absorbs the beneficial Qi but leads it in accordance with the occupant’s Life Gua. * Calculate your Life Gua here (free): bit.ly/LifeGua

3.    How the occupant uses the space.

How the property is used also factors in directing the Qi. You can improve your odds by changing aspects of the property. By utilizing the most favorable locations to place beds, the stove and desks in the building it smoothens the Qi flow and make all the difference between a comfortable life and a hard life. 

How to master real Feng Shui?

Feng Shui knowledge has become more accessible than it had been when I first started my journey twenty years ago.

Collecting Feng Shui books can be very pricey, offering various levels of knowledge that isn’t easily seen in the title or when reading the blurb. If you are dedicated to becoming an expert, you must invest in many books (and join various online forums) to find an efficient practice that works for you.

For those who aren’t out of pocket, there are Feng Shui courses that you can attend. The fees are high (some totaling up to tens of thousands of dollars) – but it does not guarantee that you will ever become a ‘master’ of Feng Shui.

Feng Shui is a constant learning journey, the different lineages and sometimes contradictive ways of Feng Shui isn’t easy. Those who can’t read or translate Chinese can find themselves at a disadvantage when trying to delve into crucial original Feng Shui texts, so they must attend courses to ask a seasoned Feng Shui expert for advice.

What is the secret of outstanding Feng Shui practitioners?
Can it achieve real results?

Finding ways – including browsing online as well reading books – to expand your knowledge of Feng Shui is essential. Never underestimate the influence of personal luck and don’t be afraid to experiment. 

Many teachers would dissuade you, but if you are serious about becoming a Feng Shui expert, you must have sound knowledge of the Four Pillars of Chinese Astrology (also known as Ba Zi) to estimate a situation and construct a tailor-made Feng Shui solution for yourself or a client.

(Visit my Chinese Astrology blog to learn more about Four Pillars or Ba Zi astrology: http://altheachineseastrology.blogspot.rs/2018/01/four-pillars-chart.html)

For the best source in your Feng Shui journey, pick up a limited edition hardback copy of my award-winning book, A Course in Real Feng Shui: bit.ly/FENGBOOK

Order your paperback edition here: https://www.amazon.com/Course-Real-Feng-Shui-Property/dp/1984975986


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