Feng Shui 2018 - Southwest

Southwest: #6

In Flying Star Feng Shui, Southwest is where the Earth Element resides. 

Although the primary quality of the Earth Element is Yin (slowing down) in period 8 SW is the most active area in your property!

Those in properties with an SW main entrance an expect a productive year. 2018 will bring more interaction across the board which will especially improve their luck on the romance front. Spending more time, whether in leisure, work, or sleeping will also enhance existing relationships.

For single women who seek a bit of romance in their life, turn the bed into the SW. In the Dog Year, SW will feel exceptionally favorable.

A top tip is to try and spend a lot of time in the SW space – even turning your desk can help improve performance, harness creativity and increase opportunities in anything you set your mind to!

·        *To calculate the Feng Shui chart of your property, use our free on-line calculator: bit.ly/FengCalc

·     * Find the best source of real Feng Shui in the awarded book A Course in Real Feng Shui, by Althea S.T. (softcover is available on Amazon; for limited hardcover edition visit: bit.ly/FENGBOOK)

·     *   Follow @Altheafengshui on FB, LinkedIn and IG, to get in touch


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