Feng Shui 2018 - West

West #2

When it comes to Feng Shui, and health one should be very mindful of the influence of the Flying Star 2 Black – especially if you have a weak constitution.

Main entrances in the West will bring the property owner a mixed bag of luck for 2018. It will be an improvement comparing to 2017, when Tai  Sui had resided in West 2.

Star 2 will help bring more peace and quiet along with more support from others. Relationship-wise, meeting faces from the past and dealing with them will be expected.

As #2 a Sickness Star, so anyone with existing health issues or is pregnant, elderly or sensitive should be advised sleeping in an alternative location than the West. As an extra precaution, spend limited amounts of time in this area, especially in the summer months when the influences increases.

Bed positions should be shifted from a West location to the South – or any direction that the star can be utilized.

Caution is advised when using a fireplace or stove positioned in the West. This can be the cause of fire-related accidents, when there is a Sha in the West of the property.

·       *  To calculate the Feng Shui chart of your property, use our free on-line calculator: bit.ly/FengCalc

·    *  Find the best source of real Feng Shui in the awarded book A Course in Real Feng Shui, by Althea S.T. (softcover is available on Amazon; for limited hardcover edition visit: bit.ly/FENGBOOK )

·      *   Follow @Altheafengshui on FB, LinkedIn and IG, to get in touch


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