Feng Shui School

Assess, improve and design. Master trusted formulas. Get true results.

Feng Shui School (Courses & Private Sessions)

With our Feng Shui certification program, you can master Feng Shui by progressing through four different levels –within a year.
As you progress through the Basic, Advanced, Practitioner levels up to the Mastery level, you’ll be introduced to the practical aspects and elegance of Feng Shui. This knowledge is what separates a good Feng Shui practitioner from an exceptional one.
Through this program, you’ll have access to information not easily found in literature or other books. You’ll be taught how to appraise and assess property, place buildings, select the most suitable pieces of property or if needed, design one from the ground up. It will also help you correct any misinformation, as well as discover effective methods of fluidly combining several methods of evaluating a property’s potential, activate these possibilities and discover the best answers for any questions that may come up in the process. In addition, you will get to master some of the practice’s most powerful formulas and learning about the Luo Pan compass. To cap it all, there is also the option of choosing an area of specialization in Xuan Kong Da Gua and Date Selection!

If your aim is to obtain accurate knowledge, then Althea’s Feng Shui Certification Courses are just right for you.
You can study in small, close knit groups or hold private sessions with Althea on Skype or FaceTime.

Are you ready to learn? 
Send us an email at info@altheafengshui.com or message us on FB page Althea S.T. to get started on your journey to higher Feng Shui!  


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